If you don´t have a DROPBOX account , please create one by clicking > GET DROPBOX

Step 1.

Go to your Dropbox account and sign in.

Now go to the folder where you have your images (in this case we named the folder images).


Step 2.

Select the image that you want to use on your app > And click the Share Button

Step 3.

Once in your pop menu, click on Create a link.

Step 4.

Once your link is created, click on Show link.

Step 5.

Your link is now displayed. Copy your link.

Step 6.

Go to your Facebook fan page and into your admin area, then paste your image link into your app’s image field.

Step 7.

This is the last step and it is a tricky one;

Go to the end of your link and replace whatever there is after the “?” (question mark) with the following text: raw=1 , this piece of code allows your Dropbox links to be displayed on any app or website.

Original Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5jdomz5fagm3nza/header-image.jpg?dl=0 

FanMagnet Ready Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5jdomz5fagm3nza/header-image.jpg?raw=1

Click Save and then Click Preview.

We are always here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime!

Please post your questions on our customer help desk

The headlessgeek will help you out 🙂